Postcard Design

Announcements, Portfolio, Postcards

Lead-generation postcard for Heliographica Press

Postcards are a great medium. Their size and shape recalls that of a poster and they allow for more visual appeal because of that. If you subscribe to the notion that your advertising efforts should strive for the pin-up factor (the idea that someone might pin your ad to their cubicle), then postcards are a medium that you should seriously consider.


Why Movie Marketing So Often Sucks! (updated)

Advertising Rules, Strategy, Tips

Millions of dollars are spent each year producing and marketing movies. By some schools of thought, whatever the size of the production budget, the marketing budget should equal that. This is definitely true of bigger budget films above the $60 million level. So, a lot of money is spent by Hollywood trying to get people into theaters.


Movie Theaters, America’s One True Place of Worship

Pop Culture

“Television will kill the movies!” That’s what Hollywood was afraid of in the 50s. That’s when wide screen “epic” film formats were developed and movies like Cleopatra and Ben Hur came to represent the movies. The idea was that filmmakers had to come up with something that would clearly draw audiences away from television otherwise no one would ever again leave the comfort of their homes.

