Postcard Design

Announcements, Portfolio, Postcards

Lead-generation postcard for Heliographica Press

Postcards are a great medium. Their size and shape recalls that of a poster and they allow for more visual appeal because of that. If you subscribe to the notion that your advertising efforts should strive for the pin-up factor (the idea that someone might pin your ad to their cubicle), then postcards are a medium that you should seriously consider.


An Old Layout


Eighteen years ago I came up with an ad layout for Torres wine while working at an ad agency that held the account. It was one of three concepts I developed that I felt really proud of—so much so that I’ve consistently shown the rough comp in my portfolio at practically every job interview since then.


Logo Design – (Updated)

Corporate Identity/Logo Design, Portfolio, Tips, Updated

What to Look for In Your Next Logo or Corporate Identity Design

You are a business

You are looking for something of which you can be proud. Something that clearly and completely communicates what your business does and stands for. Or you want a logo that will make you money.
