It’s time to refresh the look of my site. However, it’s going to be using one of the great new WordPress default Themes for now. So, stay tuned and let’s see what I come up with for the new look.
“I can’t read that #$/*&!# billboard!” or What happened to advertising art direction?
News&ViewsHave you noticed — then again, who has the time or cares to look at billboards nowadays — that contemporary art directors at ad agencies seem to have no sense whatsoever on how to lay out a billboard that a motorist or even a fraking pedestrian can read?’s “10 Things MBA Schools Won’t Teach You”
Advertising Rules, News&Views, TipsThis is a great list for anyone considering starting a business or running a business. 10 Things MBA Schools Won’t Teach You is the latest post on Dharmesh Shah’s site,
“The Break Up”
Advertising Rules, News&Views, Strategy, TipsI stumbled upon this awesome series of commercials developed and produced by the Openhere ad agency and Microsoft’s Geert Desager for Microsoft Digital Advertising Solutions.
The first one in the series is called The Break Up and tells the story a couple breaking up. She, Consumer, is fed up with his, Advertiser’s, dismissive and self-centered ways.
Technology of Avoidance?
News&Views, TipsMy friend Leigh Marz of the coaching/training team Leading Spirit and her colleague, Julie Davidson-Gómez, have written a series of very informative posts on how organizations can slide into using technology to erode teamwork and how to get out of that: The Technology of Avoidance: When Bad Habits Happen with Good Technology.