The only thing I did not do in this project was act; that was handled by the wonderful Yvonne Cornell. I wrote this script, lit it (with help from my friend David Fischer), shot it, edited it and of course, directed it.
Video/Film Production
Storyboards & Production Design
Portfolio, Storyboards and Production Design, Video/Film ProductionMaking TV commercials or major motion pictures can be complex and expensive. Storyboards and Production Design are film’s counterpart to architectural drawings. It is a way to visualize and make tangible what otherwise would only exist in one person’s head. As an advertising art director, my job has always been to create comps (comprehensive sketches) or mockups to show what the final product will be for a given project. Thanks to my innate drawing abilities, I’m also a very capable storyboard artist, capable of drawing either very precise frames or a multitude of simpler looser renderings. This can be useful if you have a limited budget but would like a storyboard for your whole project.
Entertainment and Marketing Design
Entertainment and Marketing Design, PortfolioEntertainment Marketing & Design encompasses anything that is required by an entertainment property or brand to promote itself to its audience. That could begin with a logo for that property and extend to key art for use in collateral such as posters, DVD slipcovers, press kits, brochures and anything else that might be necessary. This can apply to small or low-budget productions as well as large campaigns.